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SharePoint Anti-Keylogger

SPS AKL is an application to facilitate keylogger


"SPS AKL an application" for facilitating keylogger
dovnload.co.uk Editor: SPS AKL (SharePoint Portal Server Anti-Key Logger is) to remove an application by using Windows Services for means to facilitate keylogger detection routines and modules with multiple measures recommeneded options. Three main modules, the system is complete.
Existing services located in the machine against

Check Processing Service Module - Is a keylogger on the target machine runs
Detected interference Module and keylogger to detect actions presentation Management - a management interface and if a keylogger is detected on a SharePoint machine. We will provide information and options keylogger malware can be used for business.
As Keylogger arbitrary machine, or user keystrokes that occur in our case record system for intruders to gain unauthorized access to an ordinary method is becoming our SharePoint Portal or Windows SharePoint Services server. Any security protection from keyloggers server structure is very important measures, without fear hackers that compromise machines, full control is not guaranteed. SharePoint Anti-Keylogger 1.0 can download free.

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